Friday, April 22, 2011

What is it about wandering emus and Central PA?

From the Centre Daily Times (again):

Police shoot and kill wandering emu in central Pa.

- The Associated Press
April 21, 2011 5:48pm EDT
Police in central Pennsylvania have shot a stray emu that had been wandering around for days and eventually headed into a residential area.
The large, flightless bird had been criss-crossing the Penn Township and Manheim areas for more than a week. Police say that initially it was mostly in the countryside, so they weren't concerned about it bothering people with its sharp claws.

But the Intelligencer Journal/Lancaster New Era reports police decided to shoot it Tuesday after it wandered into a residential area and children were chasing it near a school.

Penn Township police Chief Larry Snavely says authorities shot the animal to protect residents from getting hurt.

He says the emu's carcass has been donated to a wolf sanctuary.

1 comment:

  1. There's a good line about this in the comments section of the article on

    "Freedom's just another word for nothing left Emu."

    I'll be that would make Bobby McGee wash his danged bandana. Or was Bobby a woman? I never did figure that out....
