Friday, August 17, 2012

The Great Giant Sausage Caper

So just when I was lamenting the fact that we haven't had a good wandering Emu story, or anything of value for entry into this blog, one of my Facebook friends, Carole, spotted this story in the CDT.

I don't even know where to begin...but perhaps the fact that all the items were paid for, except for the sausage, might be a good place to start.  Or maybe the angle that the sausage had to be "destroyed" as opposed to just thrown away.  Or that it had to be destroyed because it was taken out of the package, and not because it was put into another package, is somewhat bewildering.

And, of course, we could take this into a very off-color direction very quickly...but I think we all know those jokes, so insert yours, here.  I will say, though, that coming from Wisconsin, where sausage, kielbasa and brats are a staple in the diet, that I will never look at a Johnsonville or Uncle Charley's product the same way, ever again, after reading this story.